Objekt markerade med etiketten 'hongqi e-qm5':


【Know Your Car】Luoer, who loves to eat lean meat porridge with green vegetables, commented on the HONGQI E-QM5 The second time I bought a car, I didn't get so tangled up as the first time, I saw a good model and went straight to the 4s store, I got lucky and met a good salesman, I didn't have to talk much to get the expected price, but the...
MA571 rated HONGQI E-QM5   I chose the black car brown interior and waited 20 days for the car. It is estimated that the white car black inside or black car black inside 2 weeks will be able to pick up. The appearance of HONGQI E-QM5 If you look at the photos, I just want to say, I'm so ugly, I've never seen such an ugly car, but the actual...