Items marked by the "hongqi" tag:



In addition to the new forces, many traditional car companies in the development of new energy models is also to create a special new energy brand, some are not confident in their parent brand, some are to get more independent car qualification, and operation of the new brand can develop more dealers, expand more store resources to earn...
Recently, the Hongqi brand released a new concept car Hongqi E202 official drawings, the new vehicle positioning medium to large electric SUV, its production version is expected to be officially listed in the second half of the year. The new car will use the new logo of the latest new energy brand of Hongqi, the appearance is also the use of the...
Putting aside the low-end models like Wuling Hongguang, the MPV segment market has been dominated by joint venture brands for a long time. However, with the strong rise of new energy vehicles, Chinese brand MPVs are becoming more and more popular, especially in the high-end segment, the high-end MPVs represented by VOYAH Dreamer, Tengxiang D9,...
【Know Your Car】Luoer, who loves to eat lean meat porridge with green vegetables, commented on the HONGQI E-QM5 The second time I bought a car, I didn't get so tangled up as the first time, I saw a good model and went straight to the 4s store, I got lucky and met a good salesman, I didn't have to talk much to get the expected price, but the...
MA571 rated HONGQI E-QM5   I chose the black car brown interior and waited 20 days for the car. It is estimated that the white car black inside or black car black inside 2 weeks will be able to pick up. The appearance of HONGQI E-QM5 If you look at the photos, I just want to say, I'm so ugly, I've never seen such an ugly car, but the actual...