Practical solution to the user's travel problems! Wuling new energy becomes the leader of the times, the future can be expected?

As we all know, nowadays, new energy vehicles in the country can be said to be very hot, getting more and more consumer support and favor, when it comes to this market models, I believe that many people will think of those large size, long range, high configuration of the "new power", however, these new energy models are generally priced at more than 300,000, and not Not every ordinary family can afford it.



In addition to the "new power", new energy mobility vehicles in the country also have a relatively high degree of enthusiasm, can effectively solve the user travel and parking problems, but more importantly, the price is also relatively popular, see here, there is no one like me will think of Wuling new energy?

What the people need, Wuling new energy will make what

In the current new energy market, "for whom to build a car, what to build a car, what technology route", I think it should be a new energy brand worthy of in-depth study of the problem.



For whom to build a car? Putting aside other new energy brands, Wuling's new energy development strategy, which is based on the people's needs, is very suitable for the current development of the country, and has created such a popular new energy mobility car as Hongguang MINIEV.

What kind of car do we make? Simply put, it is: to create the "ultimate convenience", taking into account good driving, good parking, good saving and good use of mobility vehicles. Wuling New Energy insists on starting from the real scenario needs of users, innovates the product concept, and creates a new energy mobility vehicle that "everyone can afford and drive".



What technology route to take? After years of continuous research, Wuling New Energy can now be said to have an independent and complete modern industrial system and industrial ecology, self-research of various "China Core" chips, the first independent property rights ESP, steering power system, vehicle controller, etc., together with China's leading industry supplier partners, to create and build a new energy mobility vehicle Industrial ecology.



With GSEV architecture, Wuling becomes the technology leader in the new energy market

GSEV architecture, I believe many people are not very familiar with it, its full name is Global Light Travel Ecological Intelligent Architecture, different from the general traditional architecture, GSEV architecture is not a hardware mechanical performance as the core, but a car cloud synchronization of intelligent architecture.

Compared with the traditional architecture, GSEV architecture has obvious advantages in performance, it is capable of much more than product hardware, but also to improve the efficiency of research and development, and can be connected to the car and the service side through a powerful cloud computing platform, the core data real-time interaction with the cloud, access to the cloud service ecology.



At the same time, GSEV intelligent architecture cloud also collects more than 200 kinds of AI intelligent algorithms, through cloud computing on vehicle operation data for 2 seconds / time real-time verification judgment, can identify vehicle failure and safety risks 7-30 days in advance, the initiative to initiate the disposal of the vehicle response, the current relevant early warning accuracy rate of more than 90%.

It is worth noting that the GSEV architecture products and light travel ecology have been recognized and accepted by more and more global new energy vehicle associations and institutions, and is becoming the intelligent architecture for China's new energy vehicles to lead the global light travel ecology.

Regulating the new energy mobility market, Wuling sets nine standards

As a mobility vehicle built by GSEV architecture, the emergence of Hongguang MINIEV can be said to let many people understand the field of new energy mobility market, it is in the creation of this car, Wuling set "nine standards", in short: a core safety standard, focus on the five user experience, relying on Three major systems guarantee.

For a car, the most core point can be said to be safety. Take Hongguang MINIEV as an example, its battery is built in accordance with Wuling's highest corporate standards and can withstand the devil's "triathlon", even if it is dropped from 1.5 meters, hitting the bottom heavily, freezing at -40℃ to impacting at 60℃, the battery of Hongguang MINIEV can easily cope with it.



In terms of experience, Wuling New Energy can be said to be recognized by users, especially in the space experience, car economy experience, range experience, replenishment experience and full-cycle use experience, the performance is "extreme", so that users can buy with confidence, use the comfort.

The three systems in Wuling's new energy "standard" are quality, experience and service, which are complementary to each other and can be said to be indispensable. It is under the combined operation of these three systems that the Hongguang MINIEV has become a new energy mobility vehicle that people can trust!


As the leader of the new energy mobility market, Wuling can be said to have truly made cars for the people, whether it is the technical platform architecture, or industry standards, Wuling is at the forefront, and has created a new energy mobility vehicle like the Hongguang MINIEV that can stand the test of the market and is recognized by users. The trend.


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