Pre-priced from 152,800 yuan Geometry M6 will be launched on November 7, two range options

A few days ago, Geometry Auto officially announced that its Geometry M6 model will be listed on November 7, the new car is positioned as a pure electric compact SUV, has previously opened pre-sale, offering two configurations available, the official pre-sale price range is 152,800 yuan-174,800 yuan.

Geometry M6  exterior


In terms of shape, the front of the new car is the common closed grille design of pure electric models, the style is relatively simple; both sides of the headlamps are blacked out and connected by black trim, effectively stretching the horizontal visual width of the front.

The lower part of the surround adopts a three-stage design style, equipped with vertically arranged deflector slots on both sides, and the middle part adopts a trapezoidal air inlet design, with a horizontal structure for decoration inside, which is very layered.


Geometry M6  exterior


In terms of side shape, the roof adopts a sliding shape and creates a suspension style, giving a more fashionable and sporty feeling; the waistline adopts a through design, effectively increasing the sense of layering on the side of the body; the wheels adopt a five-spoke shape, and the style looks relatively simple.

Geometry M6  exterior


At the rear, the roof is equipped with a small size spoiler, and the smoked taillight cluster adopts a through design, effectively stretching the horizontal visual width of the rear; the license plate frame area adopts a concave design, embellishing the rear of the car's sense of hierarchy; the lower surround is equipped with a thick black trim, creating a certain crossover atmosphere.

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