U.S. media released 2023 top ten best models: Japanese cars dominated the list, Corolla topped the list, Model 3 on the list

Introduction: For most people, buying a car is already very easy, but you still have to be careful when choosing a car! And according to the U.S. media "Consumer Reports" announced the top ten best models of 2023 (by release time), the highly popular Japanese cars again dominated the list, Toyota Corolla Hybrid topped the list, Toyota Corolla Cross second, Subaru Forester (Photo|Configuration|Inquiry) third, Toyota Camry Hybrid fifth, Hyundai Shengda Hybrid ranked seventh, while the Lexus NX350h and Tesla Model 3 also made the top ten list. U.S. media released the top ten best models: Japanese cars dominated the list, Corolla topped the list, Model 3 on the list!

According to the list, new energy vehicles have become the main theme, among the ten models on the list, new energy vehicles accounted for seven, five of which are hybrid models, and two pure electric models, while only three pure fuel models made the list. In terms of car brands, the ten models on the list are from Japanese cars, Korean cars and American cars, with Japanese cars performing the best, with six models on the list and three models from Toyota, while Honda, which is on par with Toyota, is not in the top ten of the list this period. Korean cars and American cars also performed satisfactorily, each with two models in the top ten. The German cars, which are popular in our country, are not listed in this period, including Volkswagen and the three major luxury car brands BBA.



Specific models, the top five are Toyota Corolla Hybrid, Toyota Corolla Cross, Subaru Forester, Ford Maverick Hybrid and Toyota Camry Hybrid, Toyota has become the biggest winner, the three models on the list of the top five, Toyota Corolla and Toyota Camry is also our domestic consumers very favorite joint venture models, their hybrid fuel consumption performance is really very The hybrid performance is really outstanding. The Subaru Forester is also a very well-known SUV model, although it is a niche model in our country, but its user reputation is still relatively high. The fourth ranked Ford Maverick hybrid, it is an entry-level pickup truck hybrid model.

Finally, we will look at the models ranked six to ten, in order of Nissan Leaf (pure electric), Hyundai Shengda hybrid, Kia Telluride, Lexus NX350h and Tesla Model 3, Nissan Leaf is a two-box pure electric car, the latest model has a range of 385km, Kia Telluride is also one of its SUV models, mainly for the North American market. Mainly in the North American market. The Tesla Model 3 ranks tenth, or quite surprisingly, it is a pure electric mid-size car very popular with domestic consumers, with average monthly sales reaching more than 10,000 units, and it is also highly favored in the North American market.


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