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Read more: At the beginning of the National Day, the major car companies announced their September production and sales reports, and according to the data, the overall performance of the major new energy brands in September was excellent, with the new car makers Neta Auto, NIO Auto, LI Auto, Zero Run Auto and AITO Auto all breaking the 10,000...
In the past two years, with the continuous implementation of car electrification, domestic new energy vehicles have also ushered in comprehensive development, the major car-making new force brands began to collective force, and emerged many high-quality models. The Leapmotor C01 is one of them, it is the first CTC technology production sedan...
Generally speaking, the models priced over 400,000RMB or more can also achieve a single month delivery of more than 10,000 new cars, often from the BBA, such as the familiar Mercedes-Benz GLC, Audi Q5L, August's single-month sales of more than 10,000 units. In September this year, there is a Chinese brand model also did a single month delivery...
Li Bin, CEO of NIO, said, "He couldn't figure out why people would buy an oil car now, how nostalgic would they be to buy an oil car, what's good about an oil car other than being able to smell a little gasoline?" . From this statement we can see that the current car market is developing from the fuel car era to the new energy car era, but the...
Introduction: According to the Association, the sales ranking of medium and large cars in September, a total of 23 models on the list, of which a total of 5 medium and large cars with sales of more than 10,000, compared with the number of previous periods increased. BYD Auto performed well, BYD Han DM and BYD Han EV took the first and second...
People often say "more children are better to fight", many car companies also understand this truth, so we can often see the same segment, we can see the same brand of different car name models, such as the mid-sized sedan BMW has 3 series, 4 series, M3 and other cars, and even have different models under the same model matrix. But there are not...
At the end of last month, LI Auto released a new intelligent luxury mid-size SUV - LI L8, as the replacement model of LI ONE, the new car continues to be equipped with a 6-seat layout as standard, winning the attention of many families, and during the National Day there were many families who brought their families to the store to see the car,...
The commuters are suitable for driving economic electric cars, because they go to work every morning and evening, although the road is not far, but use the car frequently, buy an economic electric car, the pressure to buy a car is small, the cost of car maintenance is also low, burning electricity than burning oil economy. If you are interested...
SUV models currently on sale, the seating layout is divided into 5/6/7 seats, for home use, or 6-seat good, because the two independent seats in the middle row, as two sofa seat, high models and leg-rest adjustment and massage function, into the third row is also convenient, functional and business MPV similar, both for home use, but also...
BYD Tang EV, is a medium-sized pure electric SUV, the seating layout is divided into 6 seats and 7 seats, some car enthusiasts are interested in the 6-seat model, but do not know how the ride space, cabin space, storage space and other aspects of performance. Recently, I came to BYD Dynasty four S store, the new car for the actual shooting,...
Many girls, interested in electric SUVs, because most of the time in the city driving, new energy models do not burn oil or less oil, reducing the cost of car maintenance. In addition, SUVs belong to practical models, space, high chassis, urban walking long distance can be, good value for money. Today introduced two new energy SUV for girls to...
The fuel car has developed so far, after several technical innovations, it is difficult to have technical breakthroughs in fuel cars today. However, pure electric vehicles are still in the development stage, and in order to solve the problem of range and replenishment energy, car companies have continued to launch groundbreaking technologies,...
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