Arrowhead reviews AION Y

The power of AION Y

Small Y with the car has been a month, see various owners of small Y have a variety of comments, but some views I do not agree with, but this is normal, after all, many owners are driving a variety of luxury cars transferred to the standard will naturally be higher, so I want to say a little bit about the experience of a 6-year domestic car owner's identity. Only represent personal views for your reference!

The power of AION Y

At the beginning of the idea of replacing the new car, especially the power, because the original Arizer 3 power is too meat, 1.5L manual self-priming, Chery on the ancient era of the engine, the collection of travel is also particularly long, the start is too meat. In the same price range test drive Geely geometry c, an s, and BYD Qin plus.

Y power and s close, slightly worse than the geometry c, if compared with the Arizer 3 that is a solar system ahead. It is really cool to drive, with fast response, and linear acceleration, feel the tuning of Guangzhou Auto is biased towards the acceleration of the car, although very fast but not very scurrying. The media review data in the 100 km in about 9.4 seconds, but some people measured 7.9 seconds, I think the power is definitely enough than most 2.0L 1.5t car speeds are better! I usually drive their own normal mode is enough, sports mode is too fierce.

The space and handling of AION Y

Space as Y's important selling point will not say much, 4.4 meters of the body is not long, but the width and height and crv equivalent, to their own AION v, is just a little shorter (see below, the head is aligned) space than crv large compared to a variety of B-class cars. With the Arizer 3 than a galaxy ahead. I don't know how to say that the handling is similar to the Arizer 3, recently drove the Leyland twin-engine, and feel no that control is flexible after all, they are sedans, but the power is much better than it.

The chassis of AION Y

What torsion beam suspension multi-link suspension I personally do not feel out, take some road conditions are not very good when the small ditch small can I think the filtering is quite good, the drop of those pits what feel more obvious, but can feel the toughness, the original Arizer 3 hard, bumpy road shock hands tingling, small Y will not.

The comfort designing of AION Y

Sound insulation is a notch better than the Arizer 3, although many people spit sound insulation in general. I usually drive generally open music but will not open very loud, open to 60 mph is not feeling any sound only the sound of music feel very comfortable, even to 100 mph feel the sound is not very loud. In addition, I do not know if the sound of the horn is small, generally press the horn in their own cars do not hear much, the turn signal indicator sound is also the same.

 The auto-pilot high speed of AION Y

Auto-pilot high speed is particularly good, press the button on the dial to start, and the two identification lines on the dashboard become green and will automatically lane keeping, you just need to hold the steering wheel on the line, but the bend if too big when you may interrupt to take over. Lane change has to hit the turn signal, or the system will grab the steering wheel with you. The following picture in this kind of line system does not recognize.

Vehicle in the open kinetic energy recovery low when coasting particularly far, you release the electric door after the inertia, speed drop very slowly to the traffic lights old far to release the electric door, but also will lead to more frequent braking. When the kinetic energy recovery is high, releasing the throttle will have a very strong drag. This is also the reason why many people will get seasick in the tram, when you drive yourself get used to the strong kinetic energy recovery is very good to use, save brake pads. Carrying people or opening low good, comfortable. Single pedal mode is the kinetic energy recovery to the strongest, sports mode can not open high kinetic energy recovery.

The evaporator is self-drying and works well to prevent the air conditioning tube from getting moldy

The battery life and charging of AION Y

On the first day of picking up the car due to lack of experience to drive the car to the nest, the 4s take over when the range has 450 km, the whole actual 385 km this way, open the highway. This is a high-speed power consumption, plus the remaining 30% of the power range after the display is relatively false their own error in judgment from the charging station 2 km to the nest. The first day the car called the insurance tow truck, researched for half a day also do not know how to cancel the parking. Only later found the following chart, in the settings.

The range of AION Y

The overall use of the back down to feel the range is still very real, depending on the road conditions table display with the actual about 7 to 9.5 fold. Home charging pile 7kw charging about 10 hours full, plugged in at night after charging set after 12 o'clock automatically charged very fragrant, a power 0.26 yuan. With the car charging only 3kw, it takes more than twenty hours to fill, only for emergency use. Outside like special callers such as the whole process take about an hour and a half, in order to protect the battery is slow after charging to 80%, 90% after the speed is even slower. Outside charging or charging to 80% can be slipped, 30%-80% about 30-40 minutes.

The exterior and interior of AION Y

The appearance is a matter of opinion, but I like it anyway. It's okay plastic parts although more but win in the design avant-garde, the number one player color scheme I really like. And I feel that the hand that can touch the place is basically leather and also quite delicate.

The disadvantages of AION Y

At present, my technology version of the Bluetooth key has not been normal, touching the triangle block on the driver's door will not unlock, touching the triangle block on the passenger side is normal, and unlocking with the Bluetooth on the phone is also normal. I have not seen anyone else mention this problem as an example, in the 4s brother got once fixed, but home again not. The cabin leakage of my will also, so far it should be a common problem, but the aftermarket has contacted the replacement, the response is fast enough, this point for Guangzhou Auto praise! Waiting for the first warranty and then together with the treatment.

 The deductions of AION Y

In addition, like some small deductions such as handrails, mirrors, and what I think is no harm, after all, this car cost-effective manufacturers do some additions and subtractions. Acceptable. Rather like my technology version I would rather not have those cameras in the car in exchange for handrails rear cupholders these things.

The overall small Y is a huge upgrade for me for this car exchange and I am very happy with it. You can ask me directly if you want to know anything about the car you didn't buy. That's all for now!



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