Said to buy, Geely's Star Era officially acquired Meizu, after buying a car to send cell phones?

Said to buy, Geely's Star Era officially acquired Meizu, after buying a car to send cell phones?


On July 4, Geely's Hubei Xingji Era Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhuhai Meizu Technology Co., Ltd. officially signed a strategic investment agreement, while announcing that Xingji Era holds a 79.09% controlling stake in Meizu Technology, gaining sole control of Meizu.


The news about Geely's acquisition of Meizu has been circulating for a long time, and this time it has finally become a reality. As we all know, although Geely Group is more famous in the field of automobiles, in fact, they are also involved in many fields that are not related to an automobile. This time, even the cell phone field of Meizu was taken by Geely, indeed also surprised people.

However, for Geely, acquiring Meizu may be a very necessary thing. In the automotive field, a lot of intelligent technology has been used, Geely wants to get more stable and long-lasting technical support in the field of intelligence, and obviously needs more technology companies for in-depth cooperation.


The official release in the Meizu also revealed that the future will not only continue to develop smartphones but also to the consumer electronics industry and the automotive industry deep integration, and cross-border to create a broader travel technology ecology. Obviously, this is also the mainstream development direction of the major car companies in the future.


So, Geely in recent years, although like to buy sexually, each acquisition action has a corresponding substantial. And this time the acquisition of Meizu, but hopefully to Geely's car brand of intelligent technology short board to makeup, especially the reliability of intelligent technology.



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