العناصر المميزة بعلامة "voyah free":



In the new three rapid advancement of the current, medium and large luxury SUV in the end how to choose? It is difficult to choose whether to continue to trust the traditional luxury brands BBA, or to choose the current hot new forces in the market, to adhere to the fuel, or to embrace new energy, this is a difficult choice, today we will see...
More than the executive car to pursue the business attributes, some models catering to the family car scenario, usually the main focus is the family travel / self-driving trip when the comfort, space performance how. Especially the big five-seater new energy SUV, good interior space performance has become the choice of many families to buy a...
With the first-mover advantage in the field of new energy and the continuous upgrading of the domestic consumer market, we can find that in recent years, the target of domestic brands can be said to be set higher and higher, and began to continuously launch a charge to the middle and high-end market. Of course, with excellent cost performance...
As a new brand launched by Dongfeng Group in response to the new energy trend, VOYAH has made good achievements in the last two years. The first mass production model VOYAH FREE has gained a lot of consumers' attention with both range-extended and pure electric drive forms. However, the pure electric version is not as popular as the...
When the LI ONE was a big seller, a product with a stronger product on paper came out, which was the VOYAH FREE model from VOYAH Auto, which was regarded as the arch rival of the LI ONE.   Now more than a year has passed, the sales of VOYAH FREE is still in a lukewarm state, and the competitor has changed from the LI ONE to the upcoming LI...
Recently, major car brands have announced the sales figures of their models in January 2023, among which VOYAH FREE has sold 865 units in January, which is a significant increase compared to the sales figures in December 2022. The reason for this is perhaps related to the new 2023 4WD Extra Long Range Plus model that was added to the market in...
OTA technology is regarded as the foundation of smart cars, especially in the new energy era, car companies can use OTA technology to upgrade all aspects of their models, including but not limited to power, car engine and other parts. Of course, most of the car companies can further optimize the experience after each OTA version is pushed, and...
In today's domestic auto market, new energy vehicles are undoubtedly the most popular choice, especially the 300,000 yuan new energy five-seat SUV market, is the focus of the new power car companies, heavyweight models are also one after another, "in-volume" phenomenon can be said to be very serious. Big five-seat SUV exterior: What's so great...
Voyah free sells very good in Europe,middle asia and russia.But only few people know the details about voyah free's chassis,in today's show,we invite famous engineer wangxiaopeng to explain all details.Air suspension and many technic details! If you want to book this car or more ev cars,contact us.   Whatsapp/Telegram/Phone:+8613360976553...
With the rise of our domestic brands, now in the 300,000-400,000 yuan level of the high-end market, but also began to fill a lot of quality domestic cars for consumers to choose. And this will inevitably make consumers tangled when buying a car, that is, in the end is to buy a traditional joint venture car, or buy a domestic new energy car?...
How many advantages do electric vehicles possess? I believe that in 2022, consumers already have a decision in their minds about the perception of electric vehicles. The biggest advantage belongs to the low cost of use, urban car without worrying about the surge in fuel consumption. However, charging is not convenient, and the range will...
We made a review video about voyah free,but it's one motor version,what's the difference?let's talk about this car
People often say "more children are better to fight", many car companies also understand this truth, so we can often see the same segment, we can see the same brand of different car name models, such as the mid-sized sedan BMW has 3 series, 4 series, M3 and other cars, and even have different models under the same model matrix. But there are not...
في الآونة الأخيرة ، وفقا لمصادر ، مالك في فويا فري اصطدمت شاحنة كبيرة على الطريق السريع في سرعة 100 كم / ساعة . بعد الاصطدام ، جميع أكياس الهواء في فويا فري ظهرت . على الرغم من أن السيارة كلها تضررت بشدة ، يمكن فتح الباب . كما هو مبين في صور الحادث ، أ و ب الأعمدة هي بنت . مالك السيارة بجروح طفيفة فقط بسبب سلامة تصميم السيارة . ولا تزال الأسباب المحددة للحوادث قيد التحقيق .
لماذا اخترت voyah مجانًا؟ بالنسبة لسيارات الدفع الرباعي الكبيرة ، غالبًا ما يكون المظهر أكثر "إيجابيًا" ، مثل LEADING LEADING IDEAL ، و Highlander ، و BREEZE ، ونماذج أخرى ، حيث تبدو مربعة جدًا ، ويمكن القول في جمالي إنها الشكل المنتفخ.قبل إطلاق VOYAH FREE ، كانت أكثر سيارات الدفع الرباعي تقديرًا هي EDGE و DS7 ، وكلاهما من السيارات التي تعمل...
أين تعرف فويا مجانا؟ تعرفت على voyah لأول مرة من خطاب zhenyuluo عشية رأس السنة الجديدة. قبل شرائه ، قارنت مرارًا وتكرارًا بين Ideal One و voyah ، وشعرت أن الشيء الأكثر جاذبية هو التعليق الهوائي والداخلية الصديقة للبيئة. بعد اختبار القيادة. وجد كذلك أن ضبط الشاسيه ممتاز بالفعل ، وتجربة القيادة سلسة للغاية ، والأداء متفوق بالفعل في نفس فئة...