GAC Aion S

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In the current domestic auto market, new energy vehicles have become popular representatives. For consumers whose budgets remain at more than 100,000 yuan and family cars are the main focus, the use of low-cost electric cars is obviously a cost-effective choice. Today I will introduce you to a pure electric compact car for families, from the...
With the continuous development of new energy technology, nowadays the price of pure electric vehicles is not high in the type, even if the budget is only a hundred thousand, you can also buy a range, configuration and space performance are more qualified family pure electric vehicles, such as the AION S Plus we experienced today.     The...
The power performance of AION Y The dynamic is completely enough to use it, rapid acceleration performance is good, can not be compared with BYD that a few 4 seconds camp, but I and my brother's BMW X3 than a speed, almost the same. So usually daily commuting, a high number of super a car what is enough. The space performance of AION Y Empty...
Small y car has been more than two months, the trip also more than 3,000 kilometers, you can simply talk about the car, in order to give you do reference. The configuration of AION Y Bought 70 smooth (11.56w) azure, at that time because of the need for a current car, and thus what was available in the store was ordered. Versions are now...
Three gasoline cars at home, one of them has been driving 13 years of the Swallow has been lying down, just in time for the Guangdong old car replacement new energy subsidy policy, a friend introduced to test drive, immediately decided to buy the AION Y! It's been almost a month since I picked up the car, and I'm very happy with it! Originally...
I've been driving my family's old gas car for 5 years, so I thought I'd respond to the country's call for a new tram to drive. The car was ordered in June and picked up in August. I've been driving for almost a month now, and I'm not disappointed overall. From the scheduling to now, there has been concern about the various use of this car, now...
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The appearance of AION Y The appearance of such things really varies from person to person, it is true that some people do not like the appearance, think the orange front lip and luggage rack does not look good, I happen to think that this is the finishing touch, jumping color scheme to look different. The handsome daytime running lights are,...
The selection experience of AION Y  buying a car is mainly used to transport children to and from school and work, the general needs are: 100,000 + budget, but not too expensive, the size should be small good transport 。。。。。。 Originally considered buying a hybrid car, but due to the relatively small internal space, and fancy configuration of...
The encounter of AION Y "I can't forget the first time I saw you, your charming eyes, your figure in my mind can't be dispersed" It was the summer of 2021, and I remember clearly that it was Friday, April 16, when I saw the little y on a family trip in the Little Four. I was really overwhelmed by the little lights of the Angel Wing and the...
It's been more than 2 months since I picked up the car, and I've driven 5,000 km. Now as soon as there can be a little space in front, it will be stuck to overtake. Now the trolley, the cost is coming down, the places you can go are going... The new energy key data of AION Y 1, Electricity consumption: 9-15 degrees per hundred kilometers,...
The most satisfied aspects of AION Y The rear row has a lot of space, and I believe that people who have test-driven the AIONY are impressed by this. The rear door can be opened nearly 90 °, and the rear floor level, for the elderly and children is too friendly. The leather steering wheel feels excellent and has the right thickness. LED...
The appearance of AION Y On each flower into each eye, my wife felt ugly, I'm okay. The interior of AION Y The color match is very good, is the kind of can see can not touch. After all, you get what you pay for. The range of AION Y Individuals are not violent driving, usually run to about 15KW 100 km, their own calculations on the 8.5...
The exterior and interior of AION Y For exterior and interior, I chose the Ice Rose Pink and Dream World, all pink. Together with the sleek design, it's really impeccable. The configuration of AION Y Compared to the traditional gas car is a downgrade, compared to the new energy is moderate, anyway, enough to use. What I like most is the...
The advantages of AION Y Low-speed sound insulation is acceptable and comfortable; the second row is generous in size, and the person sitting can cross his legs; the center screen is high-definition and large, and the child stands in the middle of the second row and looks cool; the short-term cost of commuting is low, which is the advantage of...
The buying experience of AION Y Before buying the car has actually been concerned about the tram for a long time, basically did not see any models of GAC AION. According to the actual needs of individuals and families, the final lock is about 150,000 cars with a range of not less than 500, which is basically Yuanplus, Good Cat, AION Y, Hoptron...
【Know Your Car】Wan Feng will big yellow peak evaluation AION V   My rating is all full, I think there is nowhere bad, driving quite smooth, quite smooth, many good features is a little bit of discovery, a little bit of action, a little bit of surprise, the morning work when the side parking, one key parking, when you leave work ten minutes in...
[Know Your Car] Genius657 reviews AION V   After a comprehensive comparison among many new energy vehicles, I finally chose the GAC AION V70 Wisdom Leader Edition and purchased the car in Luohu District, Shenzhen; coincidentally, the manufacturer launched a new policy to add daytime running lights and side air curtains for free on top of the...
[Know Your Car] is the handsome Weiwei evaluation of AION V   The buying experience of AION V The car was originally scheduled for the Song dmi, but it was a long time before the car was ready. The car was ordered in August and picked up in mid-September, which is still very fast in the current situation of lack of chips. The car was ordered...
[Know Your Car] mxj95156 rated AION V The space of AION V First of all, there is a lot of space, you can cross your legs in the back, headroom is also quite large, the original drive is the A-class sedan, because I am 182 tall, so I changed the SUV, sales said than the Q5 is even larger, I think this is the benchmark for compact SUV, only...
[Know Your Car] Cool Guy Xj reviews AION V   The car was ordered at the end of February, in June to pick up, has been busy, now have time to write a car. Reason for changing the car The old car is 09 years to buy the Volkswagen POLO Jinxiang, has been open for 13 years, solid and durable, but indeed too long years, air conditioning cooling,...
[Know Your Car] Hirabo Shimizu Reviews AION V Well, the muddle seems to wait for another month, 90 models of fat V can not get, can only downgrade to 80 models, this time in anticipation finally got [yeah]. The buying experience of AION V Then we will continue to talk about it today, waiting for my brothers in this post and also waiting a...
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If you are given 170,000RMB now, let you buy a pure electric SUV, which cars will you focus on? Two days ago, my colleague and I were talking about this topic, and to be honest, we both thought that there were very few models worth choosing at this price point and in this class. From the point of view of everyone buying a car, we certainly hope...
It is undeniable that the current position of BYD in the domestic new energy market segment is still quite high, but it has not formed a monopoly situation, so there are many players who can compete with BYD. The AION V PLUS from EAN, in the field of compact electric SUV, has formed a confrontation with BYD' s Song PLUS EV. Recently, many...
Pre-sale från 1.286 miljoner yuan, GAC AION ren elektrisk superbil lanseras 1,9 sekunder för att bryta 100   Den 15 september höll GAC AION officiellt en konferens för att tillkännage lanseringen av en ny logotyp, och släppte också sin Hyper SSR-modell, en ren elektrisk superbil med ett officiellt prisintervall på 1,286 miljoner yuan - 1,686...
Från 193 600 yuan AION V Plus lanseras nya modeller med en uppgraderad konfiguration För några dagar sedan meddelade GAC AION att AION V Plus har tre nya konfigurationer att välja mellan, nämligen 70 Executive Edition, 80 Executive Edition och 80 Leader Edition, med officiella riktpriser på 193 600 yuan, 229 600 yuan och 265 900 yuan i den...
  Interiören av AION SNär jag såg själva bilen blev jag kär vid första anblicken, jämfört med den gamla modellen kände jag mig mer dominant och luftig. Det yttre holografiska silvret och det inre månvitt känns väldigt snyggt. Ratten har blivit en treekrad sportratt, utsökt, vacker och praktisk. AION S:s effektprestandaSport läge 224...
    Som ett resultat av utländska licensbegränsningar i Shanghai har gaspriserna stigit blodtörstigt igen i år.Så jag bestämde mig för att köpa en spårvagn, och tvekade mellan BYD Qin och AION S plus, valde den senare på grund av den långa väntetiden och andra anledningar.Den nya bilen lyftes bara tre dagar efter Shanghais tätningskontroll,...
  Min AION S plus har varit med mig i 6 månader och har rest 3000 km. Vid den tiden, efter att den nya energiindikatorn landat, gick jag omedelbart in i armén av att titta på bilar, och i början tänkte jag på att ta hänsyn till komfort och hem, så jag låste direkt den nya energi sedan. Jag har tittat på bilar och testkörningsvideor i olika...
  Jag tror att det är den starkaste rena elektriska modellen inom 200 000, stark och kraften är ganska tillräcklig, förtjänat kungen av 150 000 yuan coupe.AION S elförbrukning Daglig pendling 50 km tur och retur, den grundläggande nationella vägtrafikstockningen resa till 1 timme, se bilen omkörning, elförbrukning i allmänhet 13-15kwh, om...
  Real owner review AION S   Bilen anlände till affären den 30 augusti, men den försenades till 7 september för att ge mig bilen, genom glaset på klistermärket tror jag 4s butiken är till min bilhelg som en display. Bilen visade en omfattande körsträcka på 3km är acceptabel. 30 år gammal för att ha möjlighet att köpa sin första bil, bilen...
  AION S köpupplevelseI slutet av september och början av oktober finns avsikten att köpa en bil, på grund av behovet av regelbundna affärsresor till och från Pearl River Delta efter året främst, vill nämna en ren spårvagn. (Epidemin gör livet svårt, affärshundar försöker hitta sätt: att spara pengar!!!!)Under perioden anses också vara en...
    Intervallet för AION SRäckvidden är relativt tillfredsställande, hela sommaren utomhus luftkonditionering, ECO + läge kan köra mer än 400 inga problem. Inga villkor för att göra en full laddning och urladdning test, detta nummer är en relativt konservativ uppskattning. Den mest missnöjda punkten i AION SDagsljusen är endast tillgängliga...
    Att få bilen har varit en månad, köra mer än 1 800 kilometer, prata om inköp av bilen för att använda bilen känner den och verkligen inte kan motstå, att spotta under 4S butik service och ladda hög efterförsäljning!4S butik service och laddning hög efterförsäljning Först av allt, köp av en bil, eftersom jag äger en liten Wuling mini,...
Från 189800 yuan 2023 lanserade AION V Plus en ny sjusits version     På Chengdu Auto Show tillkännagav AION officiellt lanseringen av sin 2023 AION VPlus, som erbjuder 10 konfigurationer att välja mellan och en officiell guide prisklass på 18,98-26,98 miljoner yuan. Det viktigaste med den nya bilen är tillägget av en sjusits layout...
Bilsystemet förväntas uppgradera 2023 AION V Plus släpps den 18 augusti och lanseras 7-sits version För några dagar sedan, officiellt tillkännagivande av AION, dess 2023 AION V Plus kommer att släppas officiellt den 18 augusti, den nya bilen kan uppgraderas när det gäller bilens motor, men förväntas också lansera en 7-sits version.   Som en...
  Med samma budget kan många vänner i det förflutna välja en bränslebil, men nu har priset på bensin gått galet, vi har inte råd att köra på vägen, särskilt för hela familjen att överväga att köpa stora rymdvänner, och ingen annan familjemobilitet bil, vanligtvis deras pendling till arbete för personligt bruk och verkar slöseri, så nu började...