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BYD DOLPHIN 2021: BYD Dolphin 2021 Dynamic version, BYD Dolphin 2021 Fashion version, BYD Dolphin 2021 Free version, BYD Dolphin 2021 Knight
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Den 20 maj släppte BYD CTB-integrationstekniken för batteri och kropp och den första e-Platform 3.0-modellen utrustad med CTB-teknik - Seal. Sigillet öppnades för förhandsförsäljning samma dag, med ett förhandsförsäljningspris på 21,28-28,98 miljoner RMB. BYD Corsair är världens första produktionsfordon utrustad med CTB-teknik och den första...
I april ökade BYD Tang sin hastighet med mer än 5 gånger och blev den snabbast stigande försäljningen av medelstora nya energiSUV:er. nyligen inledde den nya BYD Tang en reviderad modell, lanserade den nya bilen totalt tre modeller, prisklassen 27,98-33,98 miljoner yuan, kommer att vara standard med 7-sits version, spendera 10 000 yuan kan...
  Den 9 juni öppnades BYD DM-p King Hybrid och Tang DM-p förkonferensen officiellt, DM-p King Hybrid släpptes, med hastighetsprestandan inom 5s av 100km acceleration, säkerhetsprestandan för omfattande styrstabilitet bortom den mekaniska 4WD och den ekonomiska prestandan hos de ärvda DM-i utmärkta bränslebesparande generna, de tre ultimata...
På kvällen den 9 juni, medan det officiella tillkännagivandet av BYD Tang DM-p öppnades för förhandsförsäljning, meddelade BYD också officiellt att dess Tang DM-i kommer att lägga till en ny 252KM Premium modell med ett officiellt förhandspris på 282 800 RMB, vilket är 60 000 RMB dyrare än den befintliga 112KM Premium modellen. Som en ny...
4,7 sekunder för att bryta 100 BYD-deklarerad fregatt 07 hjulbas 2820mm / 5-sits layout För några dagar sedan frågade jag i ministeriet för industri och informationsteknik om BYD Frigate 07 deklaration information, detta är andra gången den nya bilen dyker upp i tillkännagivandet, jämfört med den tidigare deklarerade versionen i form i stort...
Här kommer den! BYD Seal anländer, hjulbas 2m92, maximal räckvidd 700KM, förhandsförsäljning från 21.28WFör att tala om den inhemska bilmarknaden idag, under påverkan av den ständiga ökningen av oljepriserna och den låga försäljningen av traditionella bränslefordon, vände konsumenter som hade en vänta-och-se attityd så småningom sin...
NETA S show bil anländer, hjulbas 2m98, maximal räckvidd 1100KM, kommer att skära av BYD Seal?   Med den starka prestandan hos Han-seriens produkter och styrkan hos Dolphin, den första modellen av den nya familjesekvensen, har BYD Corsair fått otaliga konsumenters uppmärksamhet sedan sin födelse och har blivit en av de mest populära inhemska...
2022 BYD Tang EV officiellt lanserad, hjulbas 2m82, kan också bryta 100 i 4.4S, 279 800 frånLyx sex-sits + 720KM sortiment, 24 timmar för att beställa ut 8505 enheter, "benchmark" SUV uppgradering returI den ekonomiska miljö som drabbats av epidemin har den totala försäljningen på den inhemska bilmarknaden uppenbarligen sett en nedåtgående...
Passagerarföreningen: Ny energibilsproduktion fixeras i maj, oförändrade förväntningar på 5,5 miljoner enheter för året Marknaden för nya energifordon återhämtade sig över förväntningarna i maj.Partihandeln av nya energipersonbilar uppgick i maj till 421 000 enheter, en ökning med 111,5% jämfört med året innan och 49,8% i följd. Försäljningen...
BYD-tätningen avslöjas på Guangdong Hong Kong och Macao Motor Show, med en maximal räckvidd på 700km. Nyligen lärdes det från relevanta kanaler att BYD Seal dök upp på Guangdong, Hong Kong och Macau Motor Show. Bil, du bör inte känna obekant, eftersom denna bil har öppnats för försäljning tidigare. Med hänvisning till den officiella...
Den nya Tang DM-i: den rena elektriska räckvidden är bruten 250 km, behöver du inte oroa dig för höga gaspriser inte har råd med bilen? Med den officiella förhandsförsäljningen av BYD Tang DM familjemodeller står priset på Tang DM seriemodeller inte förvånande på en ny höjdpunkt liksom Tang EV, även DM-i modellen, som tidigare var känd för...
Priset är lågt 60.000, räckvidden är mer än 64 km, se Tang DM-i inget behov av att köpa den LEADING IDEAL ONE? Anledningen till att BYD säljer bra, "DM-i Super Hybrid" har en stor del av krediten, främst eftersom fordonen utrustade med DM-i Super Hybrid har stark effekt, låg bränsleförbrukning, ingen räckvidd ångest, och kan vara på den gröna...
EnheterPre-sale från 21,28 miljoner yuan, kommer BYD Corsair att noteras den 18 juni? Månatlig produktionskapacitet på 15 000   BYD Corsair är en ren elektrisk sedan som fått mycket uppmärksamhet nyligen. Den lanserades för förhandsförsäljning i maj och kommer att finnas tillgänglig i fyra konfigurationer, med ett officiellt...
Information | BYD Han EV levererar sin 20 000:e bil i Peking! Varför är försäljningen så bra?   Idag (19 juni) levererades BYD Han EV:s 20 000:e fordon i Peking, och även den första Han EV Qianshancui levererades i Peking, och BYD:s tjänstemän höll omsorgsfullt en leveransceremoni i Kommunen - Bambu House vid foten av Stora muren....
Det rena elektriska sortimentet på 715KM, med hästmärkesdäck, BYD Han EV analys   I dagens miljö är de flesta människor som köper spårvagnar uppdelade i två kategorier av människor, en för att priset på gas inte sänks utan ökas, medan den andra verkligen är som spårvagnen, men i de nya energimodellerna blir allt populärare, människor tittar...
2022 BYD Han Limited Edition VS modell 3, vem vinner spelet?   Den snabba utvecklingen av nya energifordon är uppenbar för alla, och på dagens nya energifordonsmarknad blir marknadspenetrationsgraden för varje varumärke för rena elektriska modeller högre och högre. Inhemska oberoende varumärken får gradvis erkännande i människors hjärtan,...
BYD bladet batteri fördelar och nackdelar, vet du allt?   Som vi alla vet, BYD:s bladbatteri togs först till allmänhetens kännedom som ett experiment, detta experiment är nålstickningsexperimentet. I nålstickningsexperimentet passerade BYD bladets batteri framgångsrikt nålstickningen och förekom inte någon stor kortslutning eller brand...
Den officiella bilden av den nuvarande modellen,byd delfin   För några dagar sedan meddelade BYD officiellt att dess Dolphin modeller finns i nya enfärgade versioner, som är puf rosa och Bebe grå, men bara mellanklassen Freedom Edition och Fashion Edition kan välja enfärgfärg, och det officiella riktpriset är 112 800 (16829 $ yuan respektive...
För några dagar sedan fick vi från relevanta källor en grupp av BYD fregatt 05 spionbilder. Bilen tillhör BYD ocean network krigsfartyg serien, den nya bilen är placerad som en kompakt SUV. BYD fregatt 05 förväntas utrustas med DM-i och DM-p plug-in hybridkraftsystem vad gäller effekt. BYD Frigate 05 förväntas släppas officiellt under andra...
Förutom dynastin serien, under de senaste åren BYD i den gradvisa utvecklingen av marina serier, såsom delfiner, sälar, och många andra modeller en gång lanserade kommer att vara mycket eftertraktade av unga konsumentgrupper. Nyligen, ocean serien en annan tung ny bil fregatt 07 faktiska bil exponerades, den nya bilen är placerad som en...
Slutligen, en bil, misstänkt för BYD high-end crossover exponering, eller sälja mer än 800 000 BYD för att driva high-end varumärket, tror jag du har hört, nyheterna har exponerats från november förra året (2021), och nu har BYD också tagit med den officiella nyheten, att high-end varumärket kommer att officiellt släppas under tredje kvartalet i...
Balanserad produktion av hela systemets styrka, BYD juni försäljning 134 063 enheter, en stadig ökning   Nyligen släppte BYD officiellt försäljningsdata i juni, totalt sålde 134 063 fordon, en ökning med 162,7%. Bland dessa uppgick försäljningen av personbilar till 133 762 enheter, en ökning med 168,8%, plug-in hybrid DM-personbilar sålde 642...
  BYD är definitivt den största överraskningen på 2022 inhemska nya energifordonsmarknaden, och även hela personbilsmarknaden, efter att helt ha upphört med produktionen av bränslebilar, förlita sig endast på nya energimodeller kan också sitta i ledande ställning för de ledande oberoende märkena, och även i april tog också första plats i den...
Poängen som lockade mig är den aktiva konfigurationen är i princip komplett, utseendet på atmosfären, Danner ljud är mycket viktigt för mig, L2 assisterad körning måttlig, den allmänna situationen kan hantera den tillfälliga avvikelsen när assisterad körning kan minska höghastighetströtthet (men också lätt på grund av slack sömnig?...
  I juni i år tittade den gamla Han EV ursprungligen på 300 000 till 400 000 oljebilar, Jaguar XFL och Cadillac ct6, den gången priset på bensin har till himlen, det finns ingen brådska att bestämma, eftersom att köpa en bil hem ur halvan, bara jag kan köra, i princip till familjeridvyerna råder, min far är mycket oförmögen att se inhemska...
Låt oss börja med slutsatsen: nackdelarna med Han EV Genesis 4WD är det lilla lastutrymmet och dålig framfjädring, resten är fördelar.Den översta 4WD-versionen har HUD head-up display, noll hundra 3,9 sekunder, DiSus-C elektroniskt styrd fjädring, 83-graders bladbatteri, ventilerade säten, Danner audio och Nappa läder, vilket är extremt...
Väntar på mer än två månader av den tusen limited edition äntligen väntade, särskilt körde mer än 200 kilometer för hand i läxan, även om det finns också brister, men totalt sett, mycket värt det! Köpupplevelsen av BYD HAN limited editionFörra året tänkte jag på att ge min fru en spårvagn, precis stötte på ZEEKR 001 precis kom ut, gick till...
  Strax efter examen från college trodde jag att det var dags att ha en bil, och hittade också ett fältjobb, det är bekvämare att ha en bil att gå ut, mina föräldrar gav mig en budget på 300 000, vilket kom till en hel del bilar från vänner och släktingar, oljebilar ny energi finns tillgängliga, i början övervägde inte rena oljebilar, så...
På det hela taget är BYD HAN EV en mycket bra bil, som är mycket lämplig för familjebruk.Köpupplevelsen av BYD HAN EVJag introducerades av en vän till butiken för att köpa en bil eftersom målet är BYD Han, andra bilar beaktas inte, gick på en provkörning, men också för att plocka ull, trots allt finns det ett Jingdong kort inte vill ha för...
E-plattform 3.0 uppsättning mästerverk statisk upplevelse BYD tätning kan utmana modell 3?   Även om Han DM-i, 2022 Tang EV och andra modeller står i rampljuset nyligen, tror jag att Seal är den viktigaste produkten BYD kommer att lansera 2022, trots allt är det mästerverket i BYD e plattform 3.0, och anses också av nätanvändare vara en...
BYD dubbel lycka i juli försäljningsrekord högt / bland världens topp 500 Hur gick det?   För några dagar sedan meddelade BYD officiellt försäljningsuppgifterna i juli, i juli sålde BYD totalt 162 530 bilar, en ökning med 183,1%, varav 162 214 personbilar såldes, en ökning med 184,7% jämfört med året innan, en ökning med 21,3%. Du vet, juli...
e plattform 3.0 den första SUV testkörningen BYD Yuan PLUS inte bara bra att köra och praktisk   När det gäller BYD Yuan familjen bör många människor inte vara okända, trots allt, oavsett om det är Yuan eller Yuan Pro, körning på gatan har ett relativt högt erkännande, "liten skolväska" design är mycket iögonfallande. Men vår huvudperson...
Familjen Han driver OTA:s andra jubileum med sex nya funktioner i augusti För några dagar sedan meddelade BYD officiellt att hans Han-familj kommer att driva på OTA:s andra jubileum, denna OTA kommer att starta den 29 juli för att öppna ett litet användarinternt test och den första batchen av media testkörning, och från och med augusti kommer...
Förbeställning från 220 000 yuan BYD Frigate 07 debuterar med en ren elektrisk räckvidd på upp till 200 km   På Chengdu Auto Show debuterade BYD:s Frigate 07 modell, och det nya fordonet förväntas noteras i september med ett officiellt prisintervall på 220 000 yuan - 280 000 yuan.Frånförsäljningspriset är Frigate 07 placerad relativt likt BYD...
279,800 yuan BYD Tang DM-i långdistansversion listad ren elektrisk energi som kör 252km   I BYD Tang DM-p listade samtidigt meddelade BYD officiellt att dess Tang DM-i nya 252 km premium typ är valfri, med det officiella riktpriset på 279 800 yuan.Som en ny modell har den nya bilen inga förändringar i utseende och interiör, bara vissa...
289,800 yuan BYD Tang DM-p listad 4,3 sekunder för att bryta 100 På eftermiddagen den 25 augusti meddelade BYD officiellt lanseringen av sin Tang DM-p modell, som erbjuder tre konfigurationer att välja mellan och ett officiellt riktpris på RMB 289 800-329 800.Som huvudprestandamodellen antar den nya bilen ett nytt designspråk i utseende, den...
SUV är en hybrid SUV, och jag tror att de flesta kommer att tänka på BYD´s Song Pro DM-i i första hand. Startmodellen, Song Pro DM-i 2022 DM-i 51km lyxmodell på 138 800 yuan, har fått uppmärksamhet hos många konsumenter på grund av dess relativt låga tröskel. Så, som en ingångsmodell, är det värt att få det i slutet, idag kommer vi att prata om...
It is undeniable that the current position of BYD in the domestic new energy market segment is still quite high, but it has not formed a monopoly situation, so there are many players who can compete with BYD. The AION V PLUS from EAN, in the field of compact electric SUV, has formed a confrontation with BYD' s Song PLUS EV. Recently, many...
All along, the focus of the new domestic brands are in the SUV, after all, the chassis space is relatively easy, the difficulty of research and development is relatively low, and the user recognition of high-end new energy SUVs is higher than that of high-end new energy cars. However, there are actually several high-end independent brand new...
On October 3, BYD officially announced its 2022 sales figures for September. According to the official statement, BYD' s combined sales in September were 201,259 units, an increase of 151.2% year-on-year. Among them, sales of passenger cars were 200,973 units, up 154.3% year-on-year, including 7,736 export models. Of the 200,000 units, 106,032...
I believe most rational friends have heard the saying that bad money drives out good money. Now the domestic new energy car market seems to face such a situation, many consumers are too much to pursue the configuration, large screen and the so-called sense of technology, but ignore the fundamental consumer attributes of the new energy car is...
Will you go with the flow and choose BYD Song PLUS DM-i? The current is already 2022, the domestic automobile independent brand car-making strength is increasingly strong, especially in recent years by the impact of electrification, the domestic independent brand truly recognized by the majority of consumers, its models have very good sales...
How to choose a mobility car with 100,000 in hand? This budget, you can choose a very good family car, such as some mainstream cars or SUVs, the comfort of cars and SUVs space performance, are now a lot of people pay more attention to, but I think, in the choice of mobility car, there are more than cars and SUVs worth choosing models, such as...
On September 28, BYD held a new energy passenger car European online conference, launched three models for the European market, including Han, Tang and Yuan PLUS, and announced the official pre-sale price, overseas market further rapid out of the circle. Mr. Wang Chuanfu, Chairman and President of BYD Group, Mr. Lian Yubo, Executive Vice...
With the increase of new production capacity and the continuous launch of new models, BYD is dominating the domestic new energy vehicle market at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dolphin brought to you today can be a very pioneering product for BYD. As the first model of the Ocean family, it has achieved a new frontier outside the...
In the current era of the new energy all-out attack, when talking about BYD, we usually think of three cars, one is the largest volume of BYD Song, a representative of the C-class flagship BYD Han, and one is to enter the high-end coupe market BYD Seal, these three cars in their respective markets is the scenery is unlimited. However, we forgot...
I thought the new energy market after the brutal competition, know the difficulties and will be more, I do not know in the wind, car companies in order to seize market share but opened a round after round of "inside volume". 200,000RMB-class electric car segment, whether Xpeng P5, BYD Seal, or Changan SL03, BYD Han EV, are much attention. The...
If you are given 170,000RMB now, let you buy a pure electric SUV, which cars will you focus on? Two days ago, my colleague and I were talking about this topic, and to be honest, we both thought that there were very few models worth choosing at this price point and in this class. From the point of view of everyone buying a car, we certainly hope...
Steve Westly, a former Tesla board member, compared BYD to Tesla's only challenger in the world, a statement he made in an interview with CNBC, and such a statement is actually a new impression of the old Chinese powerhouse in the overseas auto manufacturing industry. BYD vs Tesla: BYD electric cars are indispensable The reason why BYD is...
Domestic car brands, after years of hard work and struggle, have bucked the trend, with domestic car sales rivaling those of joint venture brands. In overseas markets, domestic car brands have also made historic achievements, with statistics from the General Administration of Customs of China showing that from January to August 2022, domestic...
When new drivers buy a car, they are more concerned about the safety configuration of the vehicle because of the lack of experience on the road, and many times they have to rely on safety assistance features, such as active safety warning systems and reversing images, etc. At present, new energy models are hot, new energy power systems can be...
"Can new energy vehicles eliminate fuel cars", this topic has been debated for many years, first of all, my point of view, at this stage, if you rely only on pure electric vehicles, to eliminate fuel cars, then it is really difficult. However, if you rely on plug-in hybrids, that eliminates fuel cars or there are some possibilities. In the past...
BYD Tang EV, is a medium-sized pure electric SUV, the seating layout is divided into 6 seats and 7 seats, some car enthusiasts are interested in the 6-seat model, but do not know how the ride space, cabin space, storage space and other aspects of performance. Recently, I came to BYD Dynasty four S store, the new car for the actual shooting,...
SUV or 6-seat comfortable, these two cars safe and quiet, with brand-name audio and four-wheel drive   SUV or 6-seat comfortable, because 2 + 2 + 2 seating layout, the second row of seats is independent, passengers sitting in the second row do not interfere with each other, some models are also equipped with legrest adjustment and left and...
Introduction: According to the Association, the sales ranking of medium and large cars in September, a total of 23 models on the list, of which a total of 5 medium and large cars with sales of more than 10,000, compared with the number of previous periods increased. BYD Auto performed well, BYD Han DM and BYD Han EV took the first and second...
On November 8, 2022, BYD officially announced its high-end car brand and named it Look Up. For the naming of the new brand, the official said it is in the historical process of exploring the unknown and innovation and development, human beings have looked to the sky again and again. In looking up again and again, curiosity, exploration and...
Today's automotive field has a faster pace of development, 1 year before the birth of the model now has a vague sense of obsolescence, such as the Song PLUS DM-i, while the new generation of models, Oshan Z6 is a more forward-looking way to design the appearance of the product, in resonance with the aesthetics of young people, but also equipped...
Among the autonomous B-segment sedans, BYD Han carries the flag of "national new energy sedan benchmark" by itself, and this model has a high starting point since its birth, with blade battery and DM-i super hybrid added to make this model appear extraordinary. The difference between the two power sources also makes them have their own exclusive...
How many advantages do electric vehicles possess? I believe that in 2022, consumers already have a decision in their minds about the perception of electric vehicles. The biggest advantage belongs to the low cost of use, urban car without worrying about the surge in fuel consumption. However, charging is not convenient, and the range will...
If you do not need to go far, then now get an electric car, daily use down in fact very comfortable, because the tram low to medium speed driving feeling better than the oil car, and only burn electricity, regardless of whether there is no charging facilities at home, the cost of the car to be lower. Of course, it is recommended that users...
For the choice of new energy vehicles, many friends may give priority to pure electric models. In my opinion, if you have a fuel car at home, the second car can choose a pure tram, if not, the first new energy car I still recommend that you choose a plug-in hybrid model. The reason for this is that the plug-in hybrid model can still get a green...
In recent year, there are more and more new energy vehicles on the road, and the new energy vehicle industry has basically changed from policy-driven to market-driven. Although he lives in a city where you don't need indicators to buy a fuel car, he still wants to buy a tram, and the reason he gives is simple: pure electric cars are cool to...
In the 09 month narrow passenger car market sales ranking recently released by the Passenger Association, FAW-Volkswagen achieved a significant rebound, but into the 200,000 mark BYD once again strongly defended the monthly championship, and in the SUV sales ranking, BYD is also taking the top six among the three rankings. What's more, the...
I don't know when the number of models named with the suffixes PLUS, Pro and MAX has increased, and their appearance seems to indicate that the comprehensive product power of the model has improved and is more worth choosing. However, when everyone's name is followed by these suffixes, who is more sincere? Today we have found two new energy...
Introduction: Just learned from BYD Auto official, 2022 October BYD Auto sales report was officially announced. Data show that BYD Auto sold 217,816 new cars in October, a big increase over the previous month, while compared to the same period last year, it once again achieved a doubling, and set a new high for BYD Auto's single-month sales....
Introduction: Just learned from the passenger car association, 2022 October new energy vehicle sales list was officially announced, a total of 16 car companies on the list this period, of which 14 models sales exceeded 10,000. Specifically, BYD Auto once again defended its title with a huge advantage, followed by Tesla China, and SAIC-GM-Wuling,...
Introduction: In recent years, with the continuous development of domestic car brands, domestic consumers are increasingly recognized by them, and like Geely, BYD Auto, Changan Auto, Chery Automobile and Guangzhou Auto Trumpchi, etc., have a very good market performance, BYD Auto even surpassed many joint venture car brands, won the top of the...
Introduction: In the past two years, as domestic electrification continues to advance, more and more consumers are buying and selling new energy vehicles, so in the pure electric new energy vehicle market, which models have a better reputation? Recently, the new energy vehicle (pure electric) "word-of-mouth" ranking has been updated, with a...
Introduction: According to the latest news, the latest domestic car "word of mouth" list was released, 57 models on the list, but only 5 models scored more than 4 points (out of 5), respectively, NIO ET7, ZEEKR 001, BYD Han DM, HongQi H9 and BYD Han EV, their quality are very leading. The PORAr Fox Alpha S and the HongQi H5 also scored above...
In recent years, with the continuous development of new energy vehicles, the global auto market pattern has also undergone a great transformation, and the domestic new energy brands led by BYD began to rise rapidly and became the focus of attention in the global auto market. According to the data from the General Administration of Customs,...
In the 361st batch of new car declaration catalog announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in August, FAW Toyota declared a new pure electric model bZ3. In the recently opened 2022 into the Expo, this new Toyota bZ3 model made its debut. The new car is based on the e-TNGA platform, the appearance of the use of a new...
At the Chengdu Auto Show in August this year, BYD' s new 5-seat medium-sized SUV, the Frigate 07 was officially unveiled and announced the pre-sale price, with a pre-sale price range of 22-28 million yuan. But the interior part of the new car has not been announced, as the new car listing time is approaching, recently, BYD finally officially...
BYD D1 is a compact MPV, the new car is a model developed for the travel market and has not been open to the individual car buying market since its previous launch. Because the new car adopts the design of single side sliding door in the rear, many personal family car demanders are also interested in the car. Recently, BYD D1 has finally...
Why is it recommended that commuters drive compact cars, because this class of models, body size between small and medium-sized, ride space is enough, body size is moderate, in urban commuting, good body flexibility, parking is also convenient. If car enthusiasts are interested in compact cars, you may want to look at these two, stable chassis,...
BYD version of the "big G" exposure! “Yangwang” brand's first high-end SUV   Recently, a media exposure of the new BYD model patent map, this model will later debut in BYD' s first high-end brand "Yangwang" under, according to reliable sources, the new car price may exceed one million, I said I am still looking forward to it. Appearance,...
Side sliding door + blade battery + 418km range, BYD D1, wheelbase 2800mm, sold more than 150,000 yuan   BYD car brand, in recent years the performance of everyone can see, especially in the field of new energy, but also among the top, has a high influence, today, I brought the BYD D1 actual car map and share with you, this car before is in...
With "BYD" car label! BYD Frigate 07 will be unveiled at the Guangzhou Auto Show, with a pre-sale price of 220,000 yuan   The progress of BYD automobile brand in recent years we all see in the eyes, the status in the automobile market is also getting higher and higher, even now has won the trust and love of many consumers, BYD also did not...
Enjoy the beauty of the East "Pame"! BYD Han entered the European market, changed the English car label   With the renewal of the car market, some major car brands are getting hotter and hotter, while others continue to go downhill. The development of BYD brand in recent years can be described as a rapid development, each update will cause a...
Although BYD has recently fallen into a variety of negative events, such as seal spontaneous combustion, dolphin spray "stomach medicine" ...... However, due to the early entry into the field of new energy vehicles, there are many consumers still torn to buy BYD' s products. For example, recently a good friend was torn between the Song plus and...
On November 16, BYD held the "BYD 3 Millionth New Energy Vehicle Launch Event" at BYD's global headquarters (Shenzhen) with the theme of "Gathering Light and Moving Forward, Thanking Peers", which means BYD became the first Chinese independent brand to reach this milestone. This means BYD became the first Chinese independent brand to reach this...
A few days ago, the Internet revealed a suspected BYD Frigate 07 pre-buckle pickup price information, the table shows that the Frigate 07 will provide six configurations to choose from, pre-buckle pickup price range of 200,000 yuan - 280,000 yuan, the threshold is a little lower than the previous pre-sale price of 220,000 yuan - 280,000 yuan,...
A few days ago, the Internet revealed a group of BYD high-end crossover spy photos, the news said that the new car is the first model of the Yangwang brand, will be named Yangwang R1, positioning is a new energy hard SUV, will debut in the first quarter of 2023, the competition directly pointed to the Mercedes-Benz G-class and Range Rover....
On November 23, BYD officially announced that the prices of a number of its models will see an increase, with the increase ranging from 2,000 yuan to 6,000 yuan.   The specific models involved in this price increase were not officially announced, but it can be confirmed that the Dynasty Network, Ocean Network and the relevant models of the...
Want to feel the quality of luxury sedans, and not easily 300,000 yuan, 400,000 yuan budget how to do? Don't forget that there is a class of models in the market called "non-luxury high-end coupe", said the non-luxury brand lineup of higher positioning B-class, C-class cars. Today we want to recommend two non-luxury high-end coupe, one is the...
The advent of the new energy era has left many traditional car companies facing greater transition pressure, on the one hand, they need to take into account the existing product line and production capacity, on the other hand, they also need to advance towards a new pure electric model, BYD as a more successful domestic transformation of car...
In general, when you choose a family SUV model, the more concerned points mainly focus on space and economy, on the one hand, can take into account the family travel ride comfort, on the other hand, in the era of high gas prices can not be too high fuel consumption, today I bring you the Song PLUS DM-i and Honda CRV are two suitable models, then...
  BYD’s high-end brand yangwang  "Looking Up" was officially released     On January 5, the brand and technology conference of "Great Galaxy" was held in Shenzhen, and the new high-end car brand Yangwang "Looking Up"and its core technology "YISifang" were officially released. The million-level new energy hardcore off-road U8 and the...
In the just past November, BYD sales continued to grow at a high rate, exceeding 230,000 units. With the steady growth in sales of existing models, BYD's new vehicles are also being added, following the Seal, another new model in the Ocean series, the Frigate 07 was recently officially launched. The listed BYD Frigate 07 has a total of six...
The news that BYD will enter the pickup truck market has long been no news, having previously exploded the mule car using the existing model shell. Recently, its test car spy photos have been revealed again, but this time the appearance looks like it belongs to the basic finalized level, including the front and rear light sets have been on...
What kind of performance level can a mid-size SUV without a 2.0T engine and a pure electric assembly achieve? The answer from BYD is 4.7 seconds. After the establishment of the marine network, BYD launched a sister model for Tang - BYD Frigate 07, the main focus of this medium-sized SUV using plug-in hybrid powertrain is energy efficiency, but...
Family small car has become the current domestic auto market commuting field of the new hot, not only those tens of thousands of micro cars, so that the pursuit of more practical way of buying a car, but also brought fire to a number of space, more features, but also save the purchase cost of small two cars, including the evergreen Volkswagen...
In the past fuel car era, people mentioned in the large C-class sedan, the first response in our minds is likely to be BBA priced as high as 400,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan BMW 5 Series, Mercedes-Benz E-Class and Audi A6L. However, with the arrival of the new energy era, our independent brands are gradually growing, and the emergence of many new...
In the case of gradually rising gasoline prices, people prefer to choose lower fuel consumption, more cost-efficient models. Thus, hybrid models have become an important choice in people's minds, by the pursuit of domestic consumers, but also in line with the characteristics of fuel-efficient, energy-saving. Today, I'm going to take stock of the...
Chinese hybrid models this year has been the topic of constant, there is a fight who is ahead or behind the technology, there is a fight who is more worth buying, we expect most consumers to 200,000 yuan out of this price point as the standard, found to be able to choose two cars, respectively, from Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV (2022 models 1.5T...
In this segment of the pure electric coupe market, Tesla Model 3 has a very strong dominant force, before someone said that the arrival of Tesla, will produce a "catfish effect". Now it seems that the Tesla Model 3 is simply a "shark", in the same class market can be said to be "kill crazy". However, with the entry of domestic brands one after...
In the just released 2022 sales list of major car companies, BYD undoubtedly won the top of the domestic retail sales list with a stunning 1.805 million units, showing strong competitive strength in the field of new energy, looking at the entire family, positioning pure electric small car BYD Dolphin can be called the sales champion, today we...
In the new energy era, various new forces have emerged, providing more choices for everyone. However, for the vast majority of ordinary consumers, I personally recommend that you choose a new energy vehicle from a large manufacturer, from past experience, the after-sales service, car manufacturing process, product quality will be more secure. In...
For the pure electric car, too low price models, talk about what quality, the price is too high, the average consumer can not afford. Relatively speaking, if you choose a pure electric car, 200,000-300,000 yuan is a relatively moderate price, this level of models between the sense of quality and price to achieve a balance. That budget...
In the past two years, with the continuous implementation of automotive electrification, domestic new energy vehicles have also ushered in comprehensive development, and in addition to the rapid rise of new power brands, the major traditional brands are also not willing to lag behind, and launched a lot of high-end pure electric smart brands....
BYD as the brightest star in the current domestic new energy brand, has been far ahead of the second echelon, and in the family, the Song PLUS DM-i is definitely considered the mainstay of sales, so how strong is its advantage over fuel cars in the end? Today we will take a look at the SongPLUS DM-i 2021 DM-i 110KM 2WD Flagship PLUS 5G Edition...
The popularity of hybrid cars today speaks for itself, with more power, and better fuel economy, making hybrids popular with many consumers. But why were hybrids not popular in previous years? In my limited observation, I think the price is the reason, the vast majority of consumers are very mindful of the price difference between the hybrid and...
This segment of the B-segment market has always been a must for every car company. Generally speaking, the B-segment cars of car companies exist as flagship products, and car companies tend to incorporate the latest design concepts and core technologies, etc. In the past, when we mentioned the B-segment cars, we would always have the Maiten,...
If you have 150,000 yuan in hand and want to choose a suitable family model, then BYD QinPLUS DM-i and Honda Civic must be two models that can not be bypassed, as BYD sedan series sales bear, QinPLUS DM-i through the hard strength won the market recognition, and Civic as Honda's classic models, has been affectionately known by fans as "supercar...
Today's young people are really picky enough to choose a car. Recently, we have a private letter from the background, said their budget of 150,000 yuan, want to buy a plug-in hybrid new energy car, the requirements are worth high, configuration has to be high, space and also large, and finally the economy and power has to be balanced. To briefly...
When BYD is invincible in the market segment at all levels, it has to experience resistance and competition from all directions, especially after completing the electrification of the whole family before all car brands, the threshold is raised and it will also encounter challenges from luxury brands. In the mid-sized SUV market where Tang DM is...
Although the development of new energy vehicles is in full swing and is the mainstream trend of the future, but after all, the fuel car first, so many consumers in the purchase of a car, between the fuel car and new energy cars wavering, and today we bring you two in the field of compact family cars are very good performance of the two models,...
The last two days of the car market, the price war is a constant battle, 121,900 yuan Citroen C6 with "strength" to prove that "really no unsold cars, only the right price. And this wave of price war, I thought BYD would not be involved, but the recent leak of BYD Seagull selling price, or let me greatly shocked. Recently, some netizens...
Introduction: Recently, we learned from the official BYD Auto that the production and sales report for February 2023 was officially released. Data show that BYD passenger car sales in February totaled 191,664 units, an increase of 112.3% year-on-year, of which BYD EV models sold 90,639 units in February, while the February sales of BYD DM models...
Introduction: Recently, according to the production and sales reports released by the major car companies, the ranking of new energy vehicle sales in February 2023 (partly) was released. BYD Auto topped the list, with sales exceeding 190,000 units in February, BAEAN broke the 30,000 mark, new power brands LI Auto, NIO and NETA broke the 10,000...
A few days ago, BYD officially announced the production and sales data for March. In March, BYD sold 207,080 vehicles, an increase of 7.4% year-on-year, once again exceeding the 200,000 mark. Up to now, the total sales of BYD's new energy models have exceeded 3.9 million units. Among them, passenger car sales were 206,089 units, up 97.5%...